Today we’re going to take a look at what Whistler real estate agent David Nagel aka “The Wolf of Whistler” is doing, not so much in regards to his luxury real estate listings, but in the sense of showcasing his branding and marketing strategy. First and foremost, watch his clever video above as I’ve yet to see another agent in this province try to pull off something like that.
I thought we’d take a quick look at what David is building over in our best-known mountain town, and hopefully be inspired by what he’s trying to do. I’ll also give some credit to Fill In The Blank Studios for producing and editing his commercial, because it was very well done.
There’s no doubt BC is home to some of the hottest real estate markets in the world right now, and Whistler is definitely high on that list. There are hundreds of real estate agents in Whistler alone, many of whom have already built a solid brand behind their name, so to get noticed you need to stand out. This is exactly what David is doing not only with his marketing efforts, but by the looks of it with his socks as well.
Building a solid brand requires more than just your name in this day and age, and while reputation is key, it doesn’t hurt to have the online branding to back it up. This is something almost all the real estate agents in BC have a problem doing for some reason. By contrast, the Wolf has kept his brand consistent across his website and his social networking profiles.
For my day job, I work quite a lot with real estate agents within the luxury industry that fail to put forth a feeling of affluence within their branding. This will quickly deter a potential client in this day and age of responsive web design, mobile apps and Hollywood-quality video production done at the local level. First impressions are huge in this business, so make sure that potential customer loves what they see and hear.
This is especially true if you want to stand any chance of piquing the interest of a potential customer abroad. Since Whistler is such a hot property market known globally, brokers need to be able to reach those outside their circles, and social media has quickly become the go-to tool to achieve this.
Show Who You Are
Besides a visual brand, it’s just as important to showcase precisely who you are and what you stand for. Building trust within the luxury industry is one of the most important aspects of being able to sell. David does a great job again with video to showcase a serious side, as well as tell you why he loves doing what he does.
Let The Wolf know what you think of his branding by connecting with him through the various methods below. Also note that I’ve never met, talked to or worked with David so he had no knowledge of me doing this beforehand. I wish him the best of luck and congratulations on the great work so far.
Instagram: @TheWolfofWhistler
Twitter: @TheWhistlerWolf
Phone: 604-906-0026