Port Renfrew is just starting to really flourish and more and more people are moving out here as well as having second homes. It’s not easy to get access to these homes since they are mostly hidden down long driveways and along the ocean. Well thanks to designers giving us open access online we can scour their portfolios and see the amazing homes they’ve worked in. This week I’d like to thank Leanna Rathkelly for photographing this amazing Port Renfrew home for us all to see.
Those door handles you see in the main image, yea those are actual rib bones from a whale and I think they’re amazing. This home screams west coast contemporary and has a lot of reclaimed wood inside the home mixed in with modern technology.
The location of this home though is the real gem as they’re right on the beach practically and this home makes use of those views. Tall windows everywhere giving the owners a glimpse of what’s just outside all year round, especially right now with storm season rolling in.
There’s not much more I can say about this home other than enjoy the photo gallery below. If anyone would like to get their home photographed then I’d give Leanna a shout because as you can see, she does fantastic work. Thanks to her for the photos and you can get in touch with her via:
Website: http://www.leannarathkelly.com/
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 250-882-3732