One more year and BC will have its hands on one of two single malt whisky’s made in Canada. Shelter Point Distillery has about a year left on their very first batch of whisky and I’m personally quite excited. Their initial cask offering in 2012 booked up fast so I will have to try and make friends with someone who got their name on a barrel.
Vancouver Island has seen a rise in wineries and spirit makers and I hope the trend keeps on rising. Shelter Point Distillery is located up near beautiful Campbell River, and they as well offer a selection of locally produced wine. But that’s neither here nor there. We’re all about the whisky in this segment!
The whisky is created with the mentality of quality over quantity, something that will resonate with consumers both far and wide. What I love is that the locally grown materals are made in barrels that are sourced from bourbon distillers in Kentucky, and the custom-made copper pot stills come from Scotland. This to me is a recipe for success…delicious success!
Shelter Point is also a great farm to visit and you can book your very own tour of the place via 1-778-420-2200 or you can email them at [email protected]. While we wait for the first batches of local whisky to come about I highly urge you folks to check their other products out and see how you can also get in on your own cask. Lets do all we can to keep this farm thriving and here for a long time to come.
Shelter Point Online:
Facebook: /ShelterPoint
Twitter: @ShelterPoint