What You Missed In #Tofino This Week

I think it’s safe to safe summer is slowly seducing us towards its sandy beaches and crisp, cool waters. If this isn’t a call to beach chair arms I don’t know what is. The people lucky enough to have spent it out west over in Tofino certainly had it better than most. I’ll be taking the best photos you people send me so please keep them coming either by sending me an email, tagging me on Instagram or sending me a Tweet.

Tofino is one of my favorite places on this planet and I’m there usually a few times over the summer, and I cannot wait for this year. A big thanks to the staff over at Tourism Tofino(@tourism_tofino) who really do a bang up job with their content and travel planning. This post was definitely inspired by their #YourTofino campaign page which is definitely worth checking out.

Also a big thank you to The Foreign Flash for the beautiful shot of Long Beach I used in the header. Thanks to all the photographers in BC who turn some of their photos for usage so please send me your work to be covered on the site.