Whistler Winter Dunkel Hits The Shelves

My favorite beer of all time hit the shelves this week and I am going to urge fellow beer lovers to check out this seasonal if they haven’t before. I know beer can be quite the personal preference but there’s something magical about this Dunkel and I’ve yet to taste a better one. It’s a great beer any time of day and it is consider a light beer still as it’s only 5% alcohol content. I would however love to see this beer a bit stronger but beggars can’t be choosers.

Whistler Brewing states that his is a rich ale to be sipped slowly and enjoyed amongst friends… I for one will be hoarding this beer all to myself. They also recommend pairing this Winter Dunkel with a dessert such as Black Forrest Cake or even a Christmas pudding.

The beer can be found in stores now across BC and even on the Southern Island, I got mine at Spinnakers in Westside Village and I’m sure most stores have a few dozen….while supplies last of course. There are a few places that will also get this on tap so I want to hear from you folks in the comments where we can find it.