This year saw the first Diamond Rally come to fruition and while I wasn’t involved I had my eye on the social media coming out during and after the drive. I have people like Rick W to thank for keeping all of us petrol heads with one of the only videos of the event…sadly not enough people took good video or we’re still waiting for the editing to get finished. Either way Instagram was as always the best resource for the latest in supercar news, well besides this website our course.
The 2014 Diamond Rally certainly managed to bring out 100 of the most amazing supercars BC has to offer and a big thanks goes out to the team over @DiamondRally for putting together tons of amazing shots during the event. I also gathered more photos from #DiamondRally and if you’re into cars like me, do follow the people below whom I’ve included in on this post. I really hope to be a part of next year’s event which definitely will be taking place again in 2015 on June