Marshmallows and More From Bon Macaron

Now that I know about Bon Macaron Patisserie I find myself having trouble imagining having any other sweet for dessert, so naturally we stopped by the shop again this weekend. We had the chance to chat with one of the owners, Yann Fougere about wedding season and a taste of their delicious home-made marshmallows (and of course some macarons!).

srirachamacaronWe picked out some caramel marshmallows and they were such decadent little treats. I can imagine popping some into a hot cocoa on a cold evening but at the same time, they are so good on their own, I don’t think my little bag would ever make it long enough without being eaten. Speaking of which, the packaging of the mallows is just as clever as with the macarons where they really highlight their product. While I was walking downtown I could tell that passers-by were intrigued by my little baggie.

I highly recommend that you follow Bon Macaron on Facebook because of giveaways and news on the newest flavours. Their newest creation is a Sriracha, which is a flavour that Ryan has been raving about for some time. This flavour is still sweet and you start to wonder where the sriracha flavour is until the very end of your bite when the sweet heat comes in. I am not a huge fan of sriracha itself but I really enjoyed this flavour as a macaron. It is a fun twist on the traditional macaron that will leave your dinner guests wanting more.

macaron-tower-colourfulOut of the corner of my eye I spotted an enormous cone of macarons in the back room, which appears to be the next display for the front window. Yann explained that this was their way of breaking into the wedding scene in Victoria. I wish that I had a wedding coming up because I know that I could never say no to that many macarons in such a variety of flavours (and colours to match your decor!). This is something totally non-traditional but yet so classic and formal that it would fit perfectly with a wedding. I am seeing more and more cupcake towers and other alternatives to the traditional wedding cake and this would certainly be unique (and less messy!). He also emphasized that they are excited to make customized wedding treats as wedding cake alternatives with sugar paste flowers or as wedding favours in those adorable little gift boxes.

Follow Bon Macaron Patisserie for news about the shop. We won’t spill the beans about some of the new things that Bon Macaron‘s owners are thinking of doing, but we will tell you that we are excited for these new developments!


Get In Touch


Facebook: /BonMacaron
Phone: (778) 265-0850


Bon Macaron Patisserie on Urbanspoon

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